On Island students: Confirm/Deny NVAO approval official?
So yes, the rumor mill extends across the ocean now. From my desk in the states I heard murmurs from the island that NVAO approval became official today. Can someone on island (with legitimate...
View ArticleDavenport MBA?
Hello all! I am an incoming student for Spring 2013. I am planning on taking out student loans and I know that the 2 primary financing options are EdInvest or the Davenport MBA. Could anyone shed a...
View ArticleMay 2013 Accepted!
Hi everyone!! I was just accepted for the May 2013 semester, I'm so excited! I'm hoping to meet some new classmates on here, and learn more about you all!
View Articlequestion on the match list of 2012 vs attrition rate
I counted the number of admitted residency to about a little lower than 150. From the school's website, SABA takes around 95 student per semester, so for 3 semesters, they take a total of 285 student,...
View ArticleClinicals?
The site for Saba that lists the clinical sites states that it is only a partial list. Could anyone direct me to where the complete list of clinical sites is located? Also does anyone know if there are...
View ArticleDoctor patient relationship course
Hey i was wondering if anyone in Saba currently could give me an idea of what this course is about and if we need any additional supplies for it? I'm a little worried about the course load and I was...
View ArticleSaba or St. Matthews University
I know that there has been discussion on this before, but it was from 2004 or around that time. I was wondering what other people thought on the subject. I have been accepted into both schools, but I...
View ArticleHow do you find housing for clinical rotations?
Hello peers, I was wondering how do you find housing for short term stay for your clinicals? Does the hospital provide some housing contacts? Or we have to find by ourselves? What company would you...
View ArticleElectives & Protocol
Electives I see some elective courses for the basic sciences however their not outlined in d class curriculum; does this mean that one can choose not to do any of the electives?I understand that MS in...
View ArticleMatch chances after successful usmle/ saba grad!
Hey everyone just wanted to know as to what percent of successful Saba grads do end up getting matched somewhere in North America. I am Canadian hoping to apply for Sept '13. I have a decent GPA but...
View ArticleBicycle?
Hello, I am thinking about getting a bike for the island. Could someone please tell me if a bicycle is good form of transport for the island? If so, are bikes available to buy on the island? Is it...
View ArticleInsightful blog for prospective students coming to Saba...
I started this blog to let family and friends know what I was up to, but it turned into more of a what's what on Saba life, school and how to survive. I've been told it gave good insight to people...
View ArticleBringing Pets to Saba Island
I realize that pets are not allowed in the dorms at Saba, but how common is it for students to bring their pets to the island for the following semesters? Does anybody have any advice on what steps I...
View ArticleBRAND NEW UNLOCKED Apple iPhone 5 32GB ---$450 Contact AT...
PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US @ FONEMEDIA LTD is one of the leading and most efficient GSM handset distributors, making the latest in telecommunications technology available to you before it is available...
View ArticleGoljan audios
I heard these were very good for USMLE step 1 preparation. Does anyone have these or have a link to where I can get these?
View ArticleWhat are my chances at SABA for Fall 2013
My cum gpa: 3.4 and my science gpa: 3.2 but My mcat is 17 (6v 6BS & 5PS) which is very low. Lots of extra curricular over 1000 hours of volunteering in different organizations, hospital and...
View ArticleFor Sale: Apple iPhone 5 at Promo Price
New Year Sales!!! We are offering New Year Discount Sales Promo on all of our products. Get yours today... We are currently running the promotional sales of the product listed below. Do take advantage...
View ArticleTransferring to Saba
Hey guys, Has anyone had experience or know of anyone who's had experience transferring into Saba from Ross? Let me know! Thanks!
View ArticleWorking on the island? For students and spouses?
Hi, I am applying to Saba with hopeful entry in Sept 2013. I am wondering if it is possible for students to get work (I don't know how else to pay for school...) I am also wondering if there is any...
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